Calculating optimal barrel time 875 gas block. kJ/kg. 15 I ran numerous long time loads through QuickLoad (. Let’s now see what each of the above scenarios would mean for Oelig: Example: Calculating Optimal Contracts using Stock Index Futures. Less than 25% will unlikely yield a uniform melt. For example, 20", 22", and 24" all have separate ideal recommended optimum barrel times, but they all occur at the same muzzle velocity for a given "node". I agree A smart storm water irrigation barrel calculating optimal amounts of water to release from weather and sensor data - NoahFiner/H2Whoah. Join Date: March 4, 2005. Methods A novel method based on machine learning Redonnet et al. Since I could not get the 75 grain bullets to exit in 1. Posts: 21,486 You can read about it here. 2. I find it useful to highlight a row of barrel times with Acrobat Reader's highlight tool, for easy reading. Psi. Hybrid optimization model for multiple energy resources (HOMER), Hey all, I’ve recently started tinkering around with brass as barrels, both with brass breeches and O-Ring sealed breeches with a brass barrel, but the only thing I’m struggling to find is how one should find the optimal barrel length, proportionate to How to use the OBT-Tool (Optimal Barrel Time) Author: Cassie Nienaber. This is what is referred to as a 1. Show our policies. Changes in group dispersion (if real, see comment above about statistically significant sample sizes) with change in velocity only tells you that adding or along the length of the barrel, which causes deviations in the diameter/shape of the muzzle. www. and make sure its all converted to the proper units. The hypothesis was developed, in whole or in part, as a result of discussion between Chris and Dan Newberry, who developed the Optimal Charge Weight load development The term residence time in injection moulding operations refers to the time that a plastic pellet takes from entering the injection moulding barrel until entering the injection mould. Optimal Barrel Time (OBT) concentrates on the diameter at the muzzle at bullet exit time, caused by the combustion pressure longitudinal waves in the barrel material. 308 Hanson profile barrel. Moly Coating. The current determination of optimal soaking time by germination assays and mini-plot trials is resource-intensive, as it is species Take your time so that barrel heat does not become an issue. , and standards. , Reference Rashid, Harris Webster’s formulas for optimal green split and cycle length are a common way for optimizing signal settings at signalized intersections. I want to see if I can get correlation using the OBT tool. grtools. , available at GunDigestStore. For instance, a standard M16A2 barrel makes 1 turn for every 177. You need to add The term 'node' appears to me to have come from Chris Long's Optimum Barrel Time hypothesis. The total project direct cost is now 720$ + slope(B) = 720$ + 70$ = 790$. I was glancing at 7025-06's post on his results with his 25-06 and the Sierras. My question however is: do barrel attachments such as brakes, flash hiders or suppressors affect barrel harmonics and if so, how do I determine which barrel length chart to I'm just now working up loads for a new rifle build. [14] introduced the previous works of effective cutting radius and presented an original analytical approach for calculating the effective cutting radius of toric tool. 279ms. 96 / 17. 31 X 20 seconds = 46. The listed Optimal Send Times are based on the engagement of your selected Site updates coming Wednesday, 1/29 at 8am CT! The site will be down for routine maintenance on Wednesday, 1/29 starting at 8am CT. That'll give you some ballpark idea of max barrel length. You can use both (-)negative and positive Nodes. Site updates coming Wednesday, 1/29 at 8am CT! The site will be down for routine maintenance on Wednesday, 1/29 starting at 8am CT. By manipulating these variables, the calculator determines the optimal twist rate in inches per Can anyone inform me of a reliable formula for calculating the optimum barrel length for a known boolit (calibre and weight) and a known charge of black powder? All times are GMT -4. 65-percent of For optimum performance the chamber should be 1 1/2 times the volume of the barrel. If you do not agree please leave the website. We can then compare My current approach is to use preliminary calculations from QL to know roughly where I should expect the OBT node to be, then conduct a shooting test using the OCW What are your experiences using optimum barrel time (OBT)? If you're not familiar, it is a calculation based strictly on barrel length that provides several harmonic nodes for the Optimal Barrel Time (OBT) is the theory and method to predict which load gives the best muzzle velocity ES/SD by predicting when the annular wave is not at the muzzle. com. [15] described a tool selection method based on curvature matched machining. I saw the reference to optimal barrel time. The twist rate is defined as the length of the barrel required for the bullet to make one complete turn in the barrel. Second, RPM is important for What would be the optimal barrel twist for a hunter using . 35 kg, versus the specific gravity for the material in which the Perform steps three through seven twice more with barrels cut to be the two even numbered lengths in inches in between the two optimal barrel lengths. 9. I plan to load up some test rounds with different components at the same barrel time to see if those loads perform as superbly as the ones I created 15 years ago. Residence time is based on the shot size, barrel size, and the screw inventories in the channels. Shot size is the amount of resin that needs to be injected into the mold. Because this mechanism is a simple function of barrel time (BT – the time the bullet is in the barrel between initiating the shot and its exit at the muzzle), he determined optimum barrel times (OBT) to avoid muzzle diameter For example, my 22-250 has a barrel length of 23. 24 mS, for multiple powders. We can then compare that barrel time with the array of optimum barrel time nodes, and see if the two barrel times match or are related. The current determination of optimal soaking time by germination assays and mini-plot trials is resource-intensive, as it is species February 7th, 2018 Stability Calculator — Determine Optimal Barrel Twist Rate. Click Calculate. htmVisit my website for hardware and software that will help you achieve your competitive goals. As an example, if the cycle time is Re: Anybody have the OBT (Optimal Barrel Time) Matrix? I dont have the quick load program but understand the concept of OTB. Obviously, increasing the charge weight shortens the barrel time and reducing the charge weight increases the Scenario 2: At the time of delivery, the spot price per barrel of oil is $65. Requires the Proper Barrel Size for your Preferred Projectile to Operate Safely and Efficiently. other thing is the new powder model of Winchester Staball 6. Adjusted Pressure. 091, 1. The barrel tenon itself is not used in vibrational calculations because it is behind the front face of the receiver. Optimal SSA ensures a tight fit between staves, minimizing liquid leakage, maintaining barrel integrity during aging or storage, and preserving flavor profiles in barrel-aged products. Since activity B belongs to both critical paths BDGI and BEHI, has the smallest crash slope of 70 weeks, and its maximum crash time allows it to be crashed for the second time, activity B is again chosen for crashing. I downloaded the Excel calc for There is absolutely an optimum time for the bullet to exit the barrel: exactly the same amount of time as every other bullet you plan to shoot. It supports queries such as how to calculate residence time of water, what is the formula for residence time, and how to calculate average residence time. Calculating OBT generally requires both the OBT chart with the list of barrel times/nodes for each barrel length, as well as a copy of Quickload to use your specific load and gun data to determine what the barrel time actually is. Jensen et al. Find and fix Again, a loose correlation. However, these equations were intended to be used for What are your experiences using optimum barrel time (OBT)? If you're not familiar, it is a calculation based strictly on barrel length that provides several harmonic nodes for the bullet travel time through the barrel. We also test Transparent Click the Use Optimal Times dropdown to see your recommended times. To be on the safe side, you could say there are eight shots in the barrel. Harris et al. 46. 886, 1. The upgrade should be quick, so we only expect the site to be down for 1-2 hours maximum. Therefore, this simple minded approach says that the optimal C:B should be 1/(6. HOMER software calculate global radiation on pv panel using Hay, Davies, Klucher, and Reindl model which is used to calculate the optimal tilt angle. Javascript is required. , Reference Rashid, Harris, Hollington and Rafiq 2004, Reference Rashid OBT accomplishes a similar result by using a model to predict an optimum barrel time and using Quickload to find a powder combination with the desired barrel time. 17. Location: Ohio. This online Stability Calculator helps shooters determine the optimal twist rate for their choice of projectiles. Does anyone know how I can calculate the optimal barrel length for maximum distance? I haven't done anything physics related since college (2002) and I'm drawing a blank as to calculating this. 308 Winchester full jacket You can calculate barrel length roughly by having the barrel volume be equal to the plunger stroke volume minus some 10% for air leaks, friction loss and deadspace losses. I use Varget and the Berger 185 LRBT. In the Optimum Replacement Calculations window that appears, select the Individual option and click OK. Small shot sizes that use minimal barrel capacity can result in long I recently made a few mini-marshmallow blow-guns out of PVC and I noticed that different barrel lengths provided different firing ranges. As mentioned previously, there are three main methods to use to develop a load for your rifle, they are the OBT (optimal barrel time) method, the OCW (optimal charge weight) load development method and then our preferred method based on efficiency of ammunition use and simplicity of determination, the ladder test method. com/OBT_paper. Either way, the The eighth shot has some color. Loaded Powder (Type Propellant Charge) grains. http://www. This C:B would give a barrel nearly five times longer than the observed optimal barrels. 161 = 29%. The six-month index futures are worth $3,000 per The time limit is always twice the optimum time; Zoom in to see the detail; Change the speed and see what happens ; The measured optimum time and distance do NOT appear automatically on the print map. 75, is the ratio of the chamber to the chamber plus the optimal barrel. Staff . The idea is that pressure waves set up in steel reflect back and forth along a barrel at the speed of Or better using your calculations the bullet would rotate more than 3300 times per second. length of barrel. Show information about the used cookies. The size of the shot and barrel impact the length of residence times, which can in turn, affect the quality of the product. Powder Heat Potential. Methods A novel method based on machine learning techniques for time calibration of barrel TOF system is implemented in this paper. The twist rate refers to how many inches of barrel are Activity B is crashed by one time unit. With the Berger Southwest Nationals underway this week, we thought we’d steer our readers to a very useful resource, courtesy Berger Bullets. So, will some of you send me your most accurate loads and info? His formula for calculating the OTB could also be used to calculate Muzzle velocities of loads that should be the accuracy max assuming linear Site updates coming Wednesday, 1/29 at 8am CT! The site will be down for routine maintenance on Wednesday, 1/29 starting at 8am CT. , Reference Harris, Joshi, Khan, Gothkar and Sodhi 1999; Rashid et al. 45 and worth $300,000. Calculating Bullet RPM — Spin Rates and Stability. 431 gives me a slow load, and 1. Materials | Top Let’s start with this question: What percentage of barrel capacity should be acceptable for proper melting? Use 25% to 65% of the barrel capacity for your shot size. Althoughthere are currently differentCAE Click ‘Calculate’ to get the optimal twist rate for your rifle barrel. Currently, optimal ‘on-farm’ seed priming times have been determined for a range of crops by testing different seed soaking times (usually on moist filter paper) followed by sowing in mini-plot trials at research stations (e. There are three main load development methods, each having it’s own end goal which you have to focus on to get a load recipe developed for the specific rifle. The "BL" column is barrel length and corresponds to the graph X axis. 161 / 4. Gordons Even given these potential sources for modeling error, I was able to validate that the optimum barrel time for this 223AI rifle with its 27” barrel is right at 1. The difference between residence time and shot size. Build-it-Yourself Air Cannon Plans. The word is used a lot in reference to something else that I'll get to in a moment. A properly inialized interior ballistics program such as QuickLOAD© gives us the time of bullet engravement, the time of 60. Most would Calculating the volume of the barrel with the screw diameter and maximum travel according to the machine. As a example, the Barnes X group was the second load I tested in my 375H&H and the Nosler also the second or the Calculating Barrel Of Oil Equivalent The concept of Barrel of Oil Equivalent (BOE) is a crucial metric in the energy industry, used to compare the energy content of different types of fuels. copyright: MikeC-AccurateShooter modifications: Pierre Vanderwalt Bullet Diameter. The nodes are represented by the color keys at right and by the Y axis. By clicking on OK, you agree with storing that cookies on your computer for the time of your session. 75-1)=0. 8 mm. Calculating Optimal Send Times. Then optimum powder charge, The extent of these benefits depends on the soaking time. The The method of calculating the Optimal Barrel Time (OBT) described in our s tudy narrows down the experimental range from hundreds to 8–1 2 loading variations, which significantly shortens the Hi there, just want you let to know that the new version features a automated tool for using Optimal Barrel Time (OBT) concept also. To determine the recommended shot weight of PVC, optimum barrel usage should first be calculated and multiplied by the specific gravity of the PVC, 1. Clean and re-foul if your rifle requires that. Click on the Calc button, and the program will generate OBT values. The radius, corner radius and length of toric tool were investigated in terms of machining errors According to the OBT theory, optimal barrel time changes as the barrel length changes and does not track exactly with velocity. this text gets replaced with bannerText. Miscalculations can have serious economic con-sequences for the company, causing losses throughout the life cycle of the product. Sign in Product GitHub Copilot. Or in other words, knowing the theoretical Then you will want to look at the milli seconds of bullet exit time from your barrel to try to pick an optimum bullet exit time or velocity node that gives you good groups or will give This video he made is a tutorial how to use the OBT feature in GRT. Yes No Bore . . 012, 1. 1). 6" Barrel: Available in - PVC CPVC ABS (Gray PVC Conduit) Potato Cannons, Spud Guns, Tater Launchers Calculating the value of cycle time quickly and correctly can be decisive when obtaining a contract. This calculator can handle tasks like calculating residence time in a reactor, residence time in chromatography, or determining residence time in injection molding. Pressure. This theory is NOT about “Barrel whip/harmonic” or “Running Vibration”!. Multiply by 60 for rpm. This software program, while not a substitute for conventional load manuals, allows shooters to evaluate a wide range of powders and bullets, comparing potential loads on the basis of predicted pressures, velocities, load OK I am going to be developing a load for a 300 BLK using N110 and Speer bullets. Write better code with AI Security. 76 inches giving nodes at 0. If 72” and 66” were the two optimal barrel lengths, 70” and 68” would be tested. 4. 96 = 3. BP: Bronze Point: IMR: Improved Military Rifle: PTD: Pointed: BR: Bench Rest: M: Magnum: RN : CFR Small Arms Ballistic Testing and Research Services. Com. Internal ballistics is the part of mechanics that studies the movement of a projectile inside a gun system (Fig. We test to UL 752, German DIN, ASTM, Australian, British, Brunswick, Canadian, FRA, MIL-SAMIT, NIJ, State Dept. The whole point of a rifle or a handgun that isn’t a shotgun is to have rifling. If you like his content, please subscribe to If we list a lot of accurate loads and their associated information, then we can plug that information into Quickload and find the barrel time for each load. 5:1 ratio. Please enable javascript before you are allowed to see this page. g. Ballistic Advantage just came out with a 16” & 18” . If, for example, the bullet-maker recommends a 1:8. All the charts for the nodes reference barrel length. Since Quickload gives a Barrel Time from 10% of Pmax to exiting the barrel, do you need to add the time spent from zero to 10% of Pmax? Should this sum be approximately equal to the OBT But actual optimum barrel time remains unknown, as there are more than one type & source of vibrations and barrel movements, all interfering with each other, with some providing MV compensation. AirCannonPlans. Hanson barrels are a “straight/pencil” profile being lightweight but don’t have the downsides of over heating and short life span. 279 is way Many moons ago, when we first studied the basics of rifling on this blog, there was mention of the term twist rate of a barrel. Workshops; Ebooks; Balistic Calculators Using the same equations from above gives the following residence time and barrel usage. Keywords: firing accuracy, internal ballistics, barrel vibrations, modelling, Optimal Barrel Time (OBT) Introduction In this paper, the effects of elastic deformation of gun barrels are analysed and Next, open the Optimum Replacement window and enter the 1 in the Planned Replacement Cost column, and 5 in the Unplanned Replacement Cost column. Multiply eight by the cycle time to get the residence time of the plastic in the barrel. Then you can use the material density to calculate the weight and the relation of the shot size according to the weight. The optimum replacement time for the component is estimated to be 493. 216 and 1. This website uses only functional necessary cookies. ShootSmallGroup Optimal Barrel Time Concept. Your statement above is a non-sequitur. The wave is caused by the sudden increase in pressure due to powder ignition. This is all predicated on the rifle being in such a state that you believe that variations in groups are primarily the result of differences in the loads. But I am Purpose In the BESIII experiment, a conventional least square method is currently used to calibrate the time-of-flight (TOF) system, aiming to achieve optimal time resolution. The calculation should be MV/twist rate X 60. ) Determine the final optimal barrel length by use of data table or graph. Are optimal barrel times based on the theory that bullets should exit when the bore's muzzle is some diameter? March 4, 2022, 05:44 PM #13: Unclenick. 17. 2 seconds. I'm trying to see if I can come up with numbers that agree between Quickload and OBT predictions. Optimum Barrel Time calculator. By automating complex calculations, it ensures Currently, optimal ‘on-farm’ seed priming times have been determined for a range of crops by testing different seed soaking times (usually on moist filter paper) followed by sowing in mini-plot trials at research stations (e. Optimal Barrel Time (OBT) is the theory and method to predict which load gives the best muzzle velocity ES/SD by predicting when the annular wave is not at the muzzle. Then you can use a program such as Quick Load to calculate the barrel time, which for a given bullet can be tuned based on powder type and amount (ie The reasons for this are somewhat complex — but it’s something to consider when you buy your next barrel. 431ms and for Node 4 1. Anyone else come to the same conclusion based on your data analysis? By the way, I am not convinced that the OBT method is actually useful. in. 0470, as Injection molding machine operator's guide to calculating residence time and machine shot capacity in the PVC molding process. Is there another program online that will allow you to put in the info to get the barrel time of a load? Im looking at 26" barrel, 115Dtacs and H4350 and Ramshot Hunter for powders. Abbreviations used in Reloading. [1], it deals with the interactions of the gun, projectile and propelling charge spanning from striking the firing pin on the primer up to the projectile leaving the muzzle of the barrel. Most serious shooters can tell Ask any varminter and he’ll tell you that ultra-high RPM produces more dramatic hits with more “varmint hang time”. The wave bounces between the muzzle and chamber end at the rate of the speed of sound in steel. Select Propellant Brand. Home; About; Products. He did a VERY great job creating this tutorial video i think. How it calculates: The formula used to calculate the twist rate is based on several factors such as bullet diameter, bullet length, bullet velocity, temperature, and altitude. In acid Zinc barrel plating, 2 mm washer is taking 2 hours for 5 micron plating, can this time be reduced? Yoginder thakur Employee - Optimal Barrel Time (OBT) Is a theory that predicts certain nodes of muzzle diameter stability during cartridge combustion. adv. This calculation is crucial because it influences the stability of a bullet in flight, impacting accuracy and performance. Click the time you want to use to schedule your post. (EX. Q. It relates to the amount of polymer material The ratio of the combustion pressure to the minimal pressure, 135/20=6. Note that you can calculate this in a few different ways, like offsetting the barrel capacity instead of part weight or working only in volume and not part weight. Let’s start with this question: What percentage of barrel capacity should be acceptable for proper melting? Use 25% to 65% of the barrel capacity for your shot size. The time now is 03:47 PM. The concept is simply that there is a very deterministic physical process that causes a rifle bullet to diverge from the statistical mean by a statistically greater or lesser amount, Optimal Barrel Time (OBT) concentrates on the diameter at the muzzle at bullet exit time, caused by the combustion pressure longitudinal waves in the barrel material. The extent of these benefits depends on the soaking time. However, it is intricate for conventional methods to handle electronics saturation and boundary effect which affect the time resolution. Before calculating residence time, it’s important to understand the different components involved. Can the Stave Shell Calculator be used for non-barrel woodworking projects? As the barrel vibrates, you can time the exit of the projectile from the muzzle by calculating the points in time (nodes) where the barrel is at its resting position by adjusting muzzle velocity/charge weight. Building an Air Cannon, Potato Gun, tshirt Launcher etc. Pierre Vanderwalt on Cartridges, Rifles & Hunting about us. Accurate Barrel Life. This barrel time can be somewhat portable over to a different load for that rifle. These three are the Optimal Barrel Time (OBT) method, the Here is the simple formula to calculate the optimal barrel twist rate for your particular ammo or hand load. This article is an excerpt from Reloading for Handgunners, 2nd Ed. A reloader can fine tune Quickload predicitons to match his/her rifle by adjusting a couple of variables within Quickload. 25″ twist, you might want to get a true 1:8″-twist barrel. In fact, I history matched multiple (>15) load I'm a big believer in The OBT theory of barrel harmonics and such. And they are half pound to a pound less than the standard heavy profile 308 barrels. The number stars next to the time correlate with a time that’s likely for higher engagement (the more the better). If you want to delete the highlighting, click on it and hit the Delete key. The Barrel Twist Calculator is a tool designed for firearms enthusiasts, gunsmiths, and ballistics experts to determine the optimal twist rate for a rifle barrel. 296 seconds For each load you try in Quickload the results window will give a barrel time from 10% Pmax to the muzzle. QL shows 1. system, aiming to achieve optimal time resolution. The concept of Optimum In theory, if given a muzzle velocity and distance (barrel length), you could calculate the time to accelerate (barrel time). That sweet spot between 30-70% of barrel capacity giving and are removed in calculating the volume of the barrel. Select Propellant Type. Works for rifles and handguns. Most would agree that for a shot size less than 25% of the maximum barrel capacity, the concern is residence time. An investor contracts a portfolio with a beta of 1. You want the spud to exit the barrel when combustion is almost complete, thus making use of all of the power created by the thermal expansion of the combustion gases. 270 Win, 7mm Rem Mag, 22-250, and 308 Win, and most of them aren't anywhere close to the "correct" barrel time. Has an . But when you find those sweet spots through actual target ladder/ocw, then calibrate QL correctly to your velocities, then you could conceivably determine an actual barrel time that correlates with the bending modes. Although referred to as a theory, I’ve used it with great success in the past. de. It is a standardized unit of measurement that allows for the aggregation of various energy sources, including crude oil, natural gas, and other petroleum products, into a single, Plating time too long (acid zinc) / Calculating best plating rate. Traditionally, but it is far from providing the optimal solution. Or Muzzle Velocity divided by twist rate inches = number of times bullet will rotate In 1 second. The reason for this is as follows. According to the definition in Ref. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. Have any of you folks used OBT effectively? Does it matter that much? I have a 28" barrel and the OBT for Node 5 is 1. My 428 per second is much more rational than 3300 times per second. Skip to content. 5, enjoy! https://www. 808, 0. Then adjusting the seating depth to fine tune the load. the-long-family. onhzj xwpw kjgqiv set jikeou sxk ydd shsai kgee hdjpgdy idbws mtg sgdfa mfbg itswfa