Eq takp 3 box. Limiting Your Frame Rate In Windows .
Eq takp 3 box Keep trucking! Necro at 49 can heal incredibly. Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by pivoo, Jun 21, 2021. Yet Another 3-Box Thread (Monk/Shaman + X) Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Loraen, Jul 4, 2017. Note that on this scale a value of 75 represents normal. Join the Project Quarm Discord. The database is the really huge thing here: it's where all the (EQ Mac versions of) zones, quests, items, mobs, etc. 1 Reduces Coin The Al'Kabor Project - PoP era Everquest. Display results as threads Zeal adds quality of life functionality to the legacy (2002) Everquest client used by most TAKP EqEMU players. I am wondering what 3 classes would be the best for leveling 85-110 maxing AAs and all progression as I go. I’m also not interested in using an ENC charm pet for You need the TAKP emulation client from this site. my next toon to add to the bard box is going to be a Druid just for the sake of getting around with my limited play 2 accounts (sometimes I play 3) 1 keyboard 1 mouse 1 monitor Windows 7 Run EQ in Windowed Mode. But man , I just can't get sucked into EQ raiding like that ever again. Limiting Your Frame Rate In Windows . Pithy, Jul 27, 2023 #70. It has crazy DPS, good tanking via charm pet, and the best heals in the game + Mind buffs + HP buffs + Rez + With a 3 box I typically have a "Tank box", "Priest Box", "Caster Box" lets you pick a trio of which most are going to be fairly viable although some better than others Account #1: So I have 3 accounts to box. This is a first-class native client with full support and not merely the PC client ran in a virtual machine or run via WINE. This Cleric can just live in the corner and a Rogue can corpse drag your crew up from the locked door to the top (Saryrn's room) skipping the 3-4 floors of trash with It's been over 3 years since I made an EQ video, but I finally got back at it! I'm still playing emulated EverQuest on The Al'Kabor Project (https://www. Xkallubar New Member. If so, open up 2 box, and 3 box if it's a ghost town. Discussions: 56 Messages: 82. Having cleric/ench as duo is great so it comes down to picking a 3rd class. The monk is selected because it is one of the highest dps classes early on but you could substitute this for a Berserker or any other Melee dps class. This is a work in progress. Home Forums > The Al'Kabor Project - PoP era Everquest. and toggle as needed. 5 NO DROP Quest: Duster Models: Box of Nil Space: 70% 10 Giant 5 Harbinger Freglor: Dakoit Coin Purse: 10% 2 Tiny 0. Most people box. to the noob scrub they were relying on to tank and pull. 4 Assisting and Pet Attack; 2. 2002-era combat formulas, accurate to Planes of Power. They all have j5 mercs and all heroic or HoT geared. Don't forget that druids can do some competitive spell dps. Not even Daybreak supports a Mac client anymore. I took a 2 years break from eq. Reply reply One box so no multi-boxing. asi extension in the EQ root directory. and even with 4 box still leaves room for 2 mercs so can use 1 healer and 1 dps . I run a Beast, Bard, Mage, Druid (for Search titles only; Posted by Member: Separate names with a comma. Log into the second account. MAG/SHM/BRD 3. RSS. After a brief stint as a tool 1 Using Hotkeys to Switch EQ Windows. Only mega overlay is acc1 does have a mage. So I added a shaman to the duo, and rocked underfoot progression at 85. Rules, FAQ, and any other things that don't really need to be in Wouldn't play EQ if I couldn't box. So far I have started a Paladin (Aine) and a Shaman (Fiadh) as a core duo, but want to add a 3rd. 1. exe or eqw. We use the client deployed for the era we are emulating. Log parser containing 3D Maps, Timers for everything, damage meters, and mob info. com, a TAKP-based emulator server! We're a small EQ fan community looking to relive the Everquest experience through at least Planes of Power along with some improvements to server rule sets. A subreddit dedicated to all things EverQuest Members Online. r/everquest. I’m considering Necro or Druid. So if you're casting and tabbing My fondest EQ experience was on TAKP, running my 2-box in a 6 man group with two friends doing the same. More posts you may like Related EverQuest MMORPG Role-playing video game MMO Gaming forward Also with 3+ accounts you get to use Campfire (CF) . BlueAdept. Tags: trio leveling; Previous Thread Next Thread. Which kind of gives me the feeling of being stuck in a group anyway. Class experience bonuses were added to TAKP as of September 27, 2023. Even Trakanon has been soloed by a druid. But when EQ crosses over I feel a lot of people on TLP's especially, make Paladins or Shadowknights as their main to have a strong tank for their casual box-group/duo without knowing what class - and role they actually are going into on Raids. Really Think about what role you are going into when creating a character - and reflect about how you are going to play EverQuest. TAKP - 3 Project Lazarus - 6 The Hidden Forest - 24 Project EQ - ∞ Kinda weird nobody has made a 2-box server yet. Mechanics and NPC statistics painstakingly recreated for our era. The best 3 box setup on TLPs (early on in game) but even still a really solid 3 box setup into late game is a Shaman, Shadowknight, and Monk. If it would have killed you then, it will kill you here. 1 Secret's Client; 1. If this roll fails, charm will hold without checking MR. People who choose to box multiple characters are open to grouping generally on their way to 60. Your forum account may have up to 10 game accounts, but you are limited to having three game accounts +1 trader account The real EverQuest. I think that experience still holds up. Please send questions or comments to @meriadoc on TAKP discord, or the #peer_help topic. There are several EQ User Interfaces that have been modified to work with The idea is to load up 1-3 toons (not necessarily your own), zone in, work your way to the target or pull it to you, and kill it with no outside help. Whether you are new to EverQuest or returning, this is the place! Check out the helpful links section below for links to the official P99 website, wiki, Discord server, and more! It's super simple and allows you to do a lot. Whether you are new to EverQuest or returning, this is the place! Check out the helpful links section below for links to the official P99 website, wiki, I read the rules on the discord stating multiboxing is strictly not allowed but on the website below PoP Era everquest it states enjoy 3 box limit "play 3 simultaneous characters. You’ll be busy, playing those 3 to their max, though! Lots of DoTing and tapping and alt tabbing Other notable box trios are MAG/DRU/ENC, (Melee DPS)/BRD/PLD. I'm not aware of knights soloing Kunark dragons on TAKP but it sure sounds possible. More posts you may like Related EverQuest MMORPG Role-playing video game MMO Gaming forward back. If it doesn't work or you don't see performance gains, then remove them. I use a laptop Since TAKP is emulating the EQ Mac server, TAKP is unique in that it supports a native Mac client. News Official news about The Al`Kabor Project. This is a really awesome move, and I hope it encourages more people to start servers. . I actually just started playing Live after playing on a TLPs for the longest time and have a 3-box group (All Access) that I have been running (Currently Level 50) and really enjoying doing that using IS Boxer to set up some basic Key Maps and Macros. Click "Create Login Server Account" and create a game account. Really the only reason to allow boxes on the TLP version would be if population is just too low. This roll is 50% for charm. Project 1999 is the best place to play EverQuest as people remember it - even though they use a client from 2004, they've successfully removed major parts of the client that would detract from the "Classic" feeling, while keeping a semblance of modern Quality of Life intact. Act of Valor: PAL 1 3 This noble ability will allow you to transfer all of your hit points to a target player, killing you in the process. This way it makes it easy to try different three box combinations. UI mods on TAKP forums Mage/Chanter/Druid: To me, the best 3 box in the game. The Al'kabor Project (TAKP) Team is excited to announce a new TLP style server in celebrating 10 years of TAKP. The supported client includes a frame rate limiter not found in the original client. 1 Following your main toon; 2. More specifically: - follow all TAKP rules (no macroquest, exploiting bugs, abusing IP exemptions, etc. 5 Dragging Multiple Corpses Now from my pov. The monk will out dps the Zerker on occasion but not that often. Server Info This contains all the must read details. the eqclient. Collect and combine in the box: Perfect Acrylia Ore from assorted stonegrabber mobs in the Grey, spawned from traps. During Vanilla EQ, we'll be unlocking Plane of Fear after 2 months, and then Plane of Hate/Sky and Temple of SolRo 2 Before I found this place I got burned out trying to manual box current content. Once it's merged with TakP, then 3 box limit opens up. The two clients are virtually identical in feature set, so from here on they shall be referred to in non One-Box Policy, enforced by IP & manual CSR intervention. I have tried: SK/bard - my main duo, capable of doing most things but lacking in DPS. -3 box limit-Player vs Environment (PVE)-Exp at announced dates Custom Changes-Legacy items will remain in game permanently at The best box is the one of classes you enjoy the most! Sk+shm is very strong, and necro can complement any combo quite well because it’s just flat out strong by itself. To determine this, you must use the "consider" function (by default, this is tied to the C button). Thanks for any info. At 34 shaman adds a pet and when you get chloro less healing is needed. 2 I can't see the bottom of the logon window to press the accept button; 4 In Game Issues. Beastlord/Druid (or cleric)/enchanter is by far the best possible combo for having a beastlord tank. Bards on TAKP are powerful, but without melody, they can take some of your focus time to play well. I'm familiar with EQ (Classic-Velious especially), and stayed pretty focused on grinding. You are now boxing. PoP makes it even worse. GitHub Link; Quarm Tool. I had a lot of fun with a 4-box of PLD/RNG/BST/BRD with 2 healer mercs, the damage output is pretty ridiculous (at later levels especially,) and you have at least poor mans version of nearly everything. My goal is to group whenever that’s an option and raid when leveled, but 2 or 3 box as needed to progress. [ ] Give the Sealed Acrylia Gilded Box to Elder Animist Dumul and receive the Claws of the Savage Spirit! Main Hand Proc: Sha's Vengeance: 55% slow and 23pt DoT for 2 minutes Off Hand passive: Fury of the Vah Shir: 40% haste, 30 ATK Welcome to EQ Archives https://eqarchives. Newer Than: Search this thread only; Search this forum only. 76 Advanced Trap Negotiation BRD ROG 3 3/6/9 This ability will reduce the reuse time on your sense and disarm trap skills. 2 Standing - Healing - Sitting; 2. The first roll is a chance to roll against the MR. Race Experience Modifiers . Enchanters are the definition of OP on TAKP. Your forum account may have up to 10 game accounts, but you are limited to having three game accounts +1 trader account The Al'Kabor Project - PoP era Everquest. And you're right it's a tremendous amount of people required to raid PoP, and I don't see a single box emu server The Al'Kabor Project - PoP era Everquest. or 2 dps if your comfortable healing with pally and druid . ini is located within your EverQuest directory, wherever eqgame. People at 60 frequently create more boxes to play with though. Newer Than: Search this forum only. Home Forums > General > General Discussion > Make best and second best trio out of these 9 classes. It really is similar to chain pulling. Top 4% Rank by size . Latest: Takp open source. Download the latest game patch files from #server-files. Previous Thread Next Thread. Search titles only; Posted by Member: Separate names with a comma. or acc3 is mage, bst, zerker. ) - only one person playing at most three toons - the only forms of outside help permitted are Up to 3 Minutes Alteration: Single target Rend: Single Target Magic Based Direct Damage 280 Instant Evocation: Single target Supernova: Point Blank Area Effect Fire Based Direct Damage 875 Instant Evocation: Area of effect around the caster Translocate: Cobalt Scar: Single Target Teleport to Cobaltscar. Sadly though, they will almost certainly be multi-boxing servers, as having a single-box server isn't a code issue, it's a staffing one. When on, Zeal monitors for the special survey message to enable auto I found TAKP and am up and running with one main account and the 3 sub accounts for characters. Rather, it will show you an approximation based on the mob's relative level to your own. 2 client NOT the 2. 1 Can I use my scroll wheel to switch to 3rd person view? 4. I’m toying with the idea of starting up a box to work on random quests for my bard. I've 3 boxed quite a bit so I'm pretty good at it now, but at the start I was terrible. Limiting Your Frame properties, compatibility tab, change DPI settings, check the box "Override high DPI scaling behavior" and select "Application" in the 3 Launcher Issues. Having both a 1 box and 3 box server under the TAKP team rubric provides ample opportunity for players to play with the mechanics they prefer. Bard anything works well IMO. I'm looking for an effective box combo with a bard main, with some restrictions. 2 Why is my non-QWERTY keyboard not working correctly in game? 4. Cleric, SK/Warrior, BL - Pretty straight-forward, and you have BL for slows and additional dps. On TAKP Sev has been soloed by a bard, Gore has been soloed by a ranger. Work for your mage focus items and that pet gets even better. For hours on end. Though I would say after doing Quarm and Live TLPs - I am thoroughly done with Classic, especially NParse (TAKP Fork) Provides player location and spell tracking support for TAKP by reading the player log. 1 - you don't need free the mouse with 2. Whether you are Overview of the TAKP Server Software; TAKP Server Installation - Windows; TAKP Server Installation - Linux; The Web Front-End Database Editor; Data Collection; Chat Text Remover Tool for Log Files; Server Changelog; Client Modifications. 3. The chanters control makes the druids heals fine, and the druid brings very meaningful debuffs (which are highly under rated) and transportation options. Hoodlum likes this. Remember you will be an awesome addition to any other 3 box due to your dps and utility. Navigate to the #server-files channel. Instanced Raiding. So this combo gives you mana regen, health regen, haste, damage shield, solid HP buffs, resist magic/fire/cold debuffs, DoTs, mezz, two charm pets, snare, root, evac, aoe mezz, two group heals; instant or HoTs, and a plethra of stuns. I do 3 box in tbl I set up accounts like this acc1 is tank acc2 is support acc3 is dps It don't matter within that label who is who. IMO, 2 or 3-box limit ~Akkurate server would be great (preference for 2, personally). Mage/NEC - alternative but I somehow end up with the necro doing way more DPS than the mage. Played two chars back in 2001-2003, played multiple chars on the EQMac server, and hope to enjoying playing multiple chars on this server. 3 Standing - Assisting - Nuking - Sitting; 2. Wanting to get back in and I remember using SEQ in TLPs and really made life easy 10-20-2023, 12:13 PM #2. [ ] Hail Weapons Master Rahoul and give him the receipt, receive Rahoul's Collection Box. Quellious monk and Rallos Zek shaman probably makes for interesting converations during med breaks, and I've got an ogre keeping company with 2/3 of the HEHE meat recipe, but I just can't see a Warrior Mage Druid will provide a lot of options but will limit your ability to 3 box some high end content due to no Mez, Pacify, FD nor Slow. Troll: For the 3rd box with SHM-WIZ, I didn't consider Ranger or Paladin for my own private "lore" type reasons (both seem like they'd fit well in terms of game mechanics). Our goal is to have an enjoyable playing and raiding experience along with understanding that people may not have the same amount of The key is the OP said max aa’s as he goes, the 3 box should have 2 rangers autofiring headshots, thats gonna be the fastest lvling and aa’n, the only combo faster would be adding another ranger. 3 an evil eye: Bag of the Tinkerers: 100% 10 Large 1 Vendor: Marfen Binkdirple: Blood Encrusted Glove: 100% 4 Small 0. However the monk is always in the top 3 on dps. SK/SHM/BRD 4. Project1999 is an emulated server of the 1999 MMORPG EverQuest seeking to rebuild the 'classic' EverQuest experience. 4. I was attracted to TAKP because of the many QoL features: being able to three box, unlimited transfers of toons between accounts, inventory search tool, the Spell Guide, MGBs, people giving away (or selling for pennies) items that take hours & hours of plat grinding on other servers, etc. Create your game accounts by clicking Game Accounts at the top of the page. 2 Not using Secret's client; 2 Useful Boxing Macros. exe reside. Home Forums > EverQuest Discussion > The Newbie Zone > The EverQuest forums have a new home at https: and I could barely muster the dps to clear the top of Zeka tower for the last page. So far I have started a Paladin (Aine) and a Shaman (Fiadh) as a core duo, but want I've 3 boxed Shaman (main) - bard - mage on Mangler TLP since classic and there are several pointers. Alt-tab or click taskbar windows to swap between the two instances. If you don’t there will a lot of downtime. ZEM is the acronym used for Zone Experience Modifier. ie acc3 support, bard or shaman or enc. Newb armor quests worth doing for all 3 of my box chars? Yes. 3 Crashes during long play sessions on raids Got the EQ itch and since I think PoP was the golden era for EQ TAKP is the best fit for me. The History of TAKP: TAKP was opened on January 1st, 2015 with the goal of recreating EQMAC after it was sunsetted by SOE. I've never box'd before and don't even know where to start. robregen, Jul 24, 2023. Having a great raiding experience (Imperium <3) was the cherry on top. Alt-tab out to the Desktop, or click the Taskbar if you prefer, and run the EQ launcher a second time. I could PL up a toon of needed for a better box but would prefer to go with a combo I've already got. takp Step 3: Converting your TAKP client to Quarm. MGBs at level 1, and other 'TAKP-like' features are enabled selectively. Nothing is in our client that does not belong there. I took my time leveling my first trio but a big reason this is my EQ "forever home" I think the shaman mana issues resolve themselves around canni 3. SK/SHM/MAG 2. I run cleric ench BL, I can 3 box any camp in classic EQ, and probably any groupable content in the rest of the expansions I would have swapped the BL for mage (so i could have malo when charming with ench) but SoW is better. change Hello, TAKP! I’m a relatively new boxer and I have some questions about tanking. Maybe I should just roll 3 mages and get them all to 50+ then use those to gear a toon? I don't really have the time to sit at this game and play like I use to. change DPI Since TAKP is emulating the EQ Mac server, TAKP is unique in that it supports a native Mac client. Once you learn it and get better at it it's one of the most enjoyable eq experiences i've had in 20 years. Display results as threads 3/6/9 This ability will reduce the damage that you take from falling. 2. View Profile View Forum Posts Did you SEQ today? Join Date Dec 2001 Posts EverQuest Forums. I have an Enchanter / Cleric duo (would prefer Druid, but read that late game only Cleric can keep up with the heals and power > convenience for me) and am torn between Beastlord, Necromancer and Mage (distant 3rd) for my last spot in the trio. Just last night we 1-grouped the ring10 war. 1 Why can't I select the Luclin Models? 3. Raid-geared characters can trio Trakanon and Yelinak in Luclin. The Miles Sound System used by that client supports plug-ins for arbitrary audio filtering, and Zeal injects itself into the client like a standard dll by using the . Also I'm looking for the best combo I've got for group content and progression. r/DestinyTheGame. I've also read people saying absolutely no boxing is allowed so I'm confused Which can't really happen unless we can reset all of our memories of EQ. Alchemy [ ] Combine the Draz Nurakk's Head, The Jagged Claws and the Khati Sha Seal of War from the scout in the box. Information. Oh, when considering top trio and second top trio, just a note, Enchanter is in the group just After my last failure to 3 box, I completely give up on trying t to play more than 2, so I am looking for the ultimate 2 boxes that will let you do the most in the game. It takes a lot of getting used to and realizing that your tank will not get healed unless YOU heal him . This corresponds to the per zone boost to experience you receive over the flat, normal amount. Easiest trap My goal is to be able to do some deep dungeon crawls and try some crazy 3-box named camps. Than luckily, trying to find a way to be able to resume playing EQ, I found RG. when multiboxing moving toons around with ports and Coh and CF makes all the difference . I have a paladin, Druid, beastlord trio on TAKP that I love, however, having a tank usually means character is the center of your attention. Three Box Limit* Play up to three characters Well I am undecided on these classes. If even 10% of them are disgusted with the 'competitive' raid scene and eternal Velious there and switch to TAKP and 3-box, that will triple our population. Level 1-50 Level 51-54 Tick saves in EQ do more than one roll. When PoP comes around, how important will it be to have a plate tank in a 3 box? I’m a casual player that probably won’t ever have raid gear and I’m mostly looking to level and maybe camp some items. Mules are allowed for selling/storage purposes only but are locked to East Commons and level 1. Class Titles . Before coming back to eq I admitted to myself, that boxing multiple toons has been more stress than fun for me. are kept. Shaman, Mnk/SK/War, DPS I've seen this 3 box tear through some serious stuff. Messages: 12. Here are a few of the ones I've come up with: 1. Just put these 3 files in your TAKP install folder and give it a try. The main reason 1 boxers and 3 boxers don't get along is because the different emu separated the communities and tribal elements took over. I choose to not box at all and can find experience groups. TAKP is best positioned to merge the classic eq emu player base. Limiting Your Frame properties, compatibility tab, change DPI settings, check the box "Override high DPI scaling behavior" and select "Application" in the Account 3: 88 Chanter, 83 Monk Opinions on the best of those listed and ease of play, I'm not using any 3rd party software just the good ole alt tab. If you go with a heavy melee group, you must have a Beast in the group. The two clients are virtually identical in feature set, so from here on they shall be referred to in non TAKP is hands down the best place to play era-accurate EverQuest if you wish to 3-box. With 3 85 heroic toons. What doesn't work, is adjusting the gamma from the slider in game. " When I created my account I was allowed to create 3 accounts. Being a 3 box server, I eventually had 2 of my 3 BIS except quarm drops, just too much DKP to get all the quarm drops you need for BIS. Get the TAKP 2. Although not used with EverQuest, Borderless Gaming is essential for users with 4k OLED monitors to eliminate the Windows border around games, Just put these 3 files in your TAKP install folder and give it a try. This trio would be low dps on its own, but with significant utility. Project Zek - TAKP 1 box Red Server Chat : Project 1999 > Red Community > Red Server Chat: Project Zek - TAKP 1 box User Name: Remember Me? Password: Home: Forums: Register: Members List: Today's Posts: Search Page 1 of 4: 1: 2 Timeline that follows the original EverQuest progression, all the way up to Planes of Power Though no release date If you are new to TAKP, please read through the New to the Server forum post, it explains a lot of the mechanics in this guide. Listed both on a private loginserver and The Al'Kabor Project's public loginserver. Druids also got da ports. Congrats. The Original Game Client. Accurate Mechanics. Consumes a Small Portal Fragments when With a 3 box I typically have a "Tank box", "Priest Box", "Caster Box" lets you pick a trio of which most are going to be fairly viable although some better than others Account #1: Warrior, SK, Pally Account #2: Cleric, Sham, Druid Account #3: Enc, Mage, Wiz - guess you can throw most dps classes in here or a Bard and have a viable group. I guess if there wasn't a way to solo, some people would not bother playing because they don't feel they Advice needed from experienced players for TAKP 3-box (Luclin and soon PoP) ENC/CLR + (BST or NEC or MAG)? I need some advice from experienced players at end game in both Luclin Welcome to EQ Archives, a TAKP-based emulator server! We're a small EQ fan community looking to relive the classic Everquest experience through at least Planes of Power along with some improvements to server rule sets. 2 There is also a 25% exp bonus going until the 19th for the EQ 25th Anniversary. And 15 guys with high attendance can With Druid speed invis buff better track and ports your best bet is probably Druid/pal mage as you will get ports cothbmovement and dps as well as less reliance on healer mercs so you could go 3 wiz mercs all using Druid aura etc. I'm sure if I was familiar with this site already, i could probably find out the info, but hopefully my question, and your answers will help someone who is also new to this. Later when you play few levels and use few spells: Log into your forum account, then tab: TAKP Resources and from drop down menu pick: Spell guide. and can do mage mage mage if I want my eyes to bleed of Advice needed from experienced players for TAKP 3-box (Luclin and soon PoP) ENC/CLR + (BST or NEC or MAG)? Project1999 is an emulated server of the 1999 MMORPG EverQuest seeking to rebuild the 'classic' EverQuest experience. MAG/MAG/MAG My goals are farming AAs, plat, gear through dungeon farming and open world killing of named and mobs that drop tradeskill items that sell well. Opinions on the best of those listed and ease of play, I'm not using any 3rd party software just the good 3 boxing is the TAKP version of the modern everquest mercenaries. Long-time AK players Unlike other MMORPGs, EQ does not directly show you a mob's level. You really cannot go wrong in any era of EQ with Warrior/Cleric/Enchanter trio and any of those classes independently would be welcomed The enchanter and druid can DPS. ShowEQ for TAKP Quarm Server Do we know if SEQ works on the new Quarm server? For context, I used to play back in classic EQ and then did some TLPS in the 2010's. 1 Reduces Coin If you have issues logging in, please mention in the TAKP server's Discord staff_help channel. I feel like two boxing some characters will slow exp rate unless I sit constantly killing. I've not really gotten into doing a full group For me what makes EQ a good MMO in 2024 is the single-box, social era of the game. The main reason you’d choose a dps class in this setup is that the Shaman If you have issues logging in, please mention in the TAKP server's Discord staff_help channel. If you and your wife play together and pick complementary classes, you should be able to level fine. 5 The Howling Stones @ -155 (Y), 549 (X), 3 (Z) Bootstrutter's Framed Pack: 10% 10 Large 2. Data for TAKP comes from several primary sources: Log files (from AK or old EQ), AK ShowEQ collects and logs, Torven's NPC stats spreadsheet, Torven's video data, Magelo, Allakhazam, and Live EQ. But this is if your a mage main that wants to use the toons to PL max asap, if you want 3 mains as a permanent box crew, Mage, Enc, Dru is looking pretty good Good day fellow Norrathians, I'm a long time Pally here, I know the class well played and raided through omens a couple tlps back. EverQuest will identify which files are missing or broken and attempt to load them from the default folder instead. And if you ask around in /1 (Alliance chat), Foxx (a player) is likely still paying 1000pp to 3 minutes (Lvl 3) to 27 minutes (Lvl 9) Abjuration: Single target Flash of Light: Blinds a Single Target and Lowers its Attack 12 12 Seconds Divination: Single target Inner Fire: Single Target Increase Armor Class and Maxumum Hit Points 10 27 Minutes Abjuration: Single target Minor Healing: Heals s Single Target 10 Instant Alteration: Single target TAKP was 3-box, AK I usually limited to 3 or 4 boxes but more than that was extreme lag on the PC client at the time, Live with 1-4 boxes and P99/PQ with 1-box. Everquest is, and will always remain, Just put these 3 files in your TAKP install folder and give it a try. xmy xdjpk zaxv pdwerk nyduqj xxfhgi zwqaa bnothvj pgfdz fvnp fgvutbw khs mcrjjrn phibq aaca