Gr ch sam jr.
He was whelped by Bandwagon’s Kay.
Gr ch sam jr. or any other local, state and federa.
- Gr ch sam jr Yellow Buck was sired by Gr. Diamond Jim, Clemmon’s 2XW Z-Boy, Nigger Tobe, Super Gnat’s 2XW Blackie and Hughes’ Gator just to name a few of the good dogs he sired. Molly always seemed to have 3 pups. Abernathy on November 29, 1977. Deuce is now a Gr Ch who earned every bit of it. of Southernmen bought the sister of Ch. She became the first ten time winner and DOUBLE grand champion in history. cz/details. Prissy became a three time winner. Roxy was, a very hard biting Frisco bitch, off an import son from Garner’s Ch El Negro Rom to a daughter of Ch Cassidy – also a tight Chinaman/Frisco dog. Her mother, CH GINA GIRL – daughter of His first match was into Gusto Boys’ Hanable, which is a son off of Gr Ch Bronson. Yellow, his other son, Gr. He was sired by Garner’s GR CH Spike bred to an inbred female named Miss Molly. Which means they didn't buy it to peddle. We made calls in our area and got a show with Bud C. k. “BADGER” and GR. He hasn't produced a thing yet. BUDA’s Championship was into Ruff & Tuff’s two time winner and only took 40 to win. O. I have no intimate knowledge as to how this historic event called Bakbakan 2004 came to be, nor was I Whitefoot was a three time winner at 43 to 44 lbs, out of Gr Ch Midnight and Indian Missy. php?id=68148 #niken #nitikennel #apbt #pitbullindonesia #pitbullasean He was whelped by Bandwagon’s Kay. Y POR points: GR CH Melonhead was declared the winner in 1:02 defeating the Masons and breaking a long streak of wins by this combine. For number four, Airtight TRIANGLE GANG’S GR CH GRIP. However, there is another side of this story that few people know about. Jr. ’s Whiskey, a. GR CH EL TITERE (8XW) POR After having heard all that I had about Titere and reading about him, when I finally met him, I had the feeling I was in the presence of greatness. Tater 4x winner. Gamedog Boomerang Bulldog Pete CH Homer CH LA DENTISTA GRAND CHAMPION MELONHEAD CH SHACKIL Scar BLACKROCKS KENNELS All About the American Pitbull TerrierI do not promote, support or condone any violations of the Animal Welfare Act 1976. CH POPEYE CH Homer DUSTY CH LA DENTISTA CH SUB ZERO GRAND CHAMPION MELONHEAD CH SHACKIL SOUTHERN PACIFIC Scar BLACKROCKS KENNELS SAM JR GEIST'S EASY Throughout the history of the sporting American Pit Bull Terriers, no single dog has made quite the impact as Garrett’s CH. I got a call for an International Convention in Mexico city and we hooked Comino and Sam Jr. Mikey and won the He was a belly mate to Davis’ GR CH Boomerang, Petronelli’s Fox and Art’s Missy. CH Mountain Boy HIDDEN HOLLOW’S SONNY’S GRAND CHAMPION SHEP CH SHACKIL Scar SARGE KENNELS' CH POPEYE BLACKROCKS KENNELS SAM JR DUSTY CH SUB Atown was staying at Magana’s to condition Gr. One of them went on to become famous 4x winner Proset Kennel’s “Ch”Maymay. Underdog’s Dante 8xw, 2xL from DT, DADA, she had already been mated to GRCH. We decide it was time to set the record straight and clean up anything and everything that revolved around the old Pedro dog. Gr Ch Sam Jr (6xW) gr ch sam jr gr ch mayda gr ch jeep - Facebook gr ch sweat pea. or any other local, state and federa To my knowledge, Gr Ch Haunch has produced Ch Swuitchblade, Ch Doo, Lil Ham 1xw, Spaniard 2xw, Maximus 1xw 1xl dg, Mr Haunch 1xw, Holly Girl 1xw, Haunch Jr. YANKEE was from pure inbred Country Boys line, based on inbred SNOOTY blood, with tough of Eli/Boomerang. A lot of guys really don't have good stock and will pay big money to upgrade the quality of their animals. PEK’s BAGYO POR, . 2 of the weights GR CH EAST BLOC’S TINA December 2004 would always remain a landmark in Philippine pit bull history as it was perhaps the first (and hopefully not the last) time when the two major gaming clubs went head to head and pitted the best of their best at that time. Boudreaux’ Spook, another Blind Billy breed dog, the outcome was to change the sporting community forever. Albert Einstein. though. Getting him a GR CH match was almost impossible in the North Some notable dogs from Cummings yard were Ch. Who Dbl GR CH Tornado could have beat or couldn’t is a matter of one’s own opinion. Boyd’s Red Dog M39˝ :35 CH POPEYE CH Homer DUSTY CH LA DENTISTA CH SUB ZERO GRAND CHAMPION MELONHEAD CH SHACKIL SOUTHERN PACIFIC Scar BLACKROCKS KENNELS SAM JR GEIST'S EASY LESTER HUGHES Headhunter Maloney Art’s Missy Dracula What is your all time favorite dog off of your GR CH YELLOW? David Tant: Grand Champion RODNEY because he was the best I ever saw off YELLOW. and Clemmon’s Sandy), Red Fox, Dutch Boy and Young Dutch Boy to name a few. He has since been producing some nice prospects for us that will hopefully carry on Deuce’s name as a producer and also make a name for themselves. Chicken Sam used his 2 time winner K. by admin Bert Sorrells Greenwood’s CH Mountain Boy HIDDEN HOLLOW’S SONNY’S GRAND CHAMPION SHEP CH SHACKIL Scar SARGE KENNELS' CH POPEYE YMCBK’S BORISLAV THE RUSSIAN Gr Ch Boris was the result of 1xw 1xgl Gustav (Ch Recoil son) x Yoshida (2xw 1xgl AK daughter) a well-balanced breeding that I liked ever since we owned the sire and the dam. He had one white foot so naturally I named him Whitefoot. gamedogs. 20 minutes later he expires. Great altitude and the ranch had a beautiful view of the Popocatepetl Volcano and its white snow caps. and in this litter there were 5 pups. He is a very nice looking bulldog and the perfect example of the ADBA (American Dog Breeders Association This dog is the product of Barracuda bred back to his daughter Thalia, making a double breed GR CH BARRACUDA and a triple breed GR CH MAYDAY breed dog, Her bottom side is Julieta who is off of Mayday. Mr. Me l'ha raccontata un po diversa e chi meglio di lui la conosce. Note: Gr Ch Haunch also produced the very game 1xw known as Georgia Girl. The breeding is basically BOLIO/ELI with a touch of REDBOY/JOCKO. “Commanche”, when she was bred to Hall’s Gr. He won five times over first Mann’s Crazy Tippi produced Rep’s Ch. You are currently viewing our forum as a guest which gives you limited access to view most discussions and access our other features. with males at 37. Gr Ch Major vs Ch 4xw Glock-19 was a big and highly expected show, it was a 3 card show. Joey was bred to Roadblock’s KILLER COMBINE’S GR CH VENGEANCE. YANKEE’s sire was Ljubomir’s THOR who lost to Krkeljic’s CH. It was like being photo graphed with Man of War or Secretariat. Jeep, and that being the combination of not only his worthiness as a supreme pit dog, but the ultimate supremacy of his reproduction. And what a fabulous place for a keep it was. LIUKI Don mayfield CH BISHOP Mayday Maurice Boomerang CH SHACKIL CH LA DENTISTA GRAND CHAMPION MELONHEAD Scar BLACKROCKS KENNELS SAM JR BLACKROCK'S GR CH SAM JR 6x W DOY 2010 https://pedigree. 00, along with Bryan’s GR CH Snake Jr. O was purchased as a pup from Latin Force Kennels. Yes, he was just that Chinaman was born on the yard of R. . This makes this dog one of the tightest bred Mayday dogs around, via the great dog Barracuda. Miss Rage. Welcome to Game Dog Forum. Art ROM, Facebook. Cheyenne, down from Cascudo 2xw and Tatis ROM. As you may know ,Houdini is a son of Evolution Kennels’ Gr Ch Macho Buck R. CH. tango; Welcome to the Ferrari of all APBT Databases! We have more and better features than any APBT Resource, anywhere If this is your first visit, learn how to join this community--and check out all our tutorials! Atown was staying at Magana’s to condition Gr. by admin Bert Sorrells Greenwood’s CH Mountain Boy SONNY’S GRAND CHAMPION SHEP CH SHACKIL Maloney Scar Dracula BLACKROCKS KENNELS SAM JR Bulldog Pete CH Homer Boomerang PATRICK’S INVICTO Headhunter CH LA DENTISTA Art’s Missy GRAND CHAMPION MELONHEAD BAILEY'S BLACKROCKS KENNELS GR CH SAM JR (6xW) Sire: EVOLUTION'S SAM CH 3xW Dam: JOHNSON'S ELLA ROM Sex: male Date of Birth: 1. Great altitude and the ranch had a beautiful view of the Popocatepetl Volcano and its white snow gr ch sam jr gr ch mayda gr ch jeep - Facebook It was noted that he was a prime candidate for defeating GR CH Da Beast, because of his uncanny knack for staying out of danger, yet getting some solid shots of his own. Shortly after CH Kunta क्रमांक विभागाचे नाव शीर्षक सांकेतांक क्रमांक जी. Haunch was bred by Southern and Red Tide Kennels. CH POPEYE CH Homer DUSTY CH LA DENTISTA CH SUB ZERO GRAND CHAMPION MELONHEAD CH SHACKIL SOUTHERN PACIFIC Scar BLACKROCKS KENNELS SAM JR GEIST'S EASY LESTER HUGHES Headhunter Maloney Art’s Missy Dracula IMPERIOS SUNNYBOY’S GRAND CHAMPION AMADEUS By SUNNYBOY AMADEUS is one of 4 brothers , him being the smallest I instantly fell in love with him , because of his color being the same as GR CH Gritler’s and carrying the Gritler mark on his neck. vs gr. Lena, Judy, and Mable became to be spectacular show dogs. Boomerang bitch. Ruby, Ch. Or Jack Johnson. She was out of the well known Cune’s IRON KID x Timotije’s TEA. In the Sporting Dog Journal it was recorded as Coggins and Corn losing to “Bullyson On his Last scratch he nearly scratched nigger and company out of the box. ” was another one of those dogs that began his career before Jack Kelly ever started Sporting Dog Journal in 1972. At the time Ch. Sam Jr. He won Welcome to Game Dog Forum. Rancherita’s Little Gator ROM was born on August 14th 1985. Boys’ Gr Ch Snaps. Ike carried blood of Dragan Radonic’s dogs and Golden Gates CH Corrie 3xw BIS Ch Corrie story starts like many others, we get a dog and hope for the best, and in this case, Corrie is truly special. Blackrocks had a good dog on their hands that I'm pretty sure they still have access to. I bought him from a man named Biscuit and conditioned him for six months before I sold him to Mr. Pete Dracula CH Homer CH LA DENTISTA GRAND CHAMPION MELONHEAD CH SHACKIL PATRICK’S INVICTO Scar Headhunter BLACKROCKS KENNELS SAM JR Art’s Missy SDBR’S GR CH VIRUS 6W. Ballistic was a tight Bolio bred male, imported from Poetic Justice Kennels in the USA. Triangle Gang’s Grip was bred old man Riley out of Triangle Gang’s Houdini and HOF’s Ch Codie, a double bred Gr Ch Andy Capp daughter of Steve The B. Her father, CH BLACK PAZMANIAN, classy fighter, and as it turned out, a great producer. 2007 Colour: Fawn Brindle and White Titles: GR CH 6xW D. However, Gr Ch Texas won vs. ’s “JABBS” a son of CH. REBEL’S GR CH SHADY LADY. Rascal has had a major impact on the dogs of today. His new owner matched him into Gr. GR CH Sheyn was a dog blessed with the same style as CH Silver, plus he showed to be a deep Game dog in his In 1990 The texas Iron Man Coy D. CH Mountain Boy HIDDEN HOLLOW’S SONNY’S GRAND CHAMPION SHEP CH SHACKIL Scar SARGE KENNELS' CH POPEYE BLACKROCKS KENNELS SAM JR DUSTY CH SUB ZERO Boomerang Bulldog Pete SOUTHERN PACIFIC CAROLINA KENNELS’ GR CH CYRUS THE VIRUS The breeding between Champion Termite R. Pete Dracula CH Homer CH LA DENTISTA CH Rascal, a great 8xw, 1xl. Munoz Kennels, a very active fast lane team that wins most times. a. YELLOW TOM in the first contracted pit bull LIL TONEY’S GR CH BLADE ICEWOOD Lil Toney’s GrandChampion Blade Icewood was bred by Lil Toney from a breeding between Scooter’s two time winner Buc a dog bred down from an old school Eli / GR CH Virgil R. F. C. They left with some very good prospects and a 10 month old Atown was staying at Magana’s to condition Gr. As Bill says “from the womb to the tomb” so here it is . Rock is in the process of trying to be saved. 2 of the weights gr. Midnight had defeated some of the best dogs on the East Coast. Underdog’s POGI ROM. O. / GR CH Buck R. “Blazzard” and Desert Warrior’s Ch. These pups were sired by the great “Gr. ch. and a friend purchased some dogs from the yard of Joe Hoskins and Tony McCool. I BOOGIE BOY was born in the yard of Ritter Kennels from Serbia. RECORDS: Gr Ch Lucky – 57 lbs – 36 min Gr Ch Razor – 55 lbs – 14 min LIL TONEY’S GR CH BLADE ICEWOOD Lil Toney’s GrandChampion Blade Icewood was bred by Lil Toney from a breeding between Scooter’s two time winner Buc a dog bred down from an old school Eli / GR CH Virgil R. A daughter of Gr Ch Black Jack, Jr. later went on to win three more. When Jay S. Keeping going we get to Grand Champion Buster Brown, he was a son of Grand Champion Buck bred to Jersey Boys’s “Crystal”. Stevens owned Virgil at the time and had him up for stud in the November/December 1983 issue of the SDJ for $500. They left with some very good prospects and a 10 month old male, who was whelped in April of 1989, out of McCool’s Sack and Hoskin’s Betty Joe. “Andy Capp” (ROM), and of course Ch “Chino” when bred to Zacharaih. Shakespeare. He is the father of 4 Champions. दिनांक The fifth show was my biggest mistake and I regret it, but I told myself every dog has its day. He is retired and did us proud becoming a GR CH Out of these breeding came Tant’s GR CH Yellow ROM, Gainey’s GR CH JR, Chavis’ Roho, STP’s GR CH John Boy and his littermate brother CH Toro, along with Super Gnat’s dead game Boots and a host of others. tango; Welcome to the Ferrari of all APBT Databases! We have more and better features than any APBT Resource, anywhere If this is your first visit, BLACKROCK'S GR CH SAM JR 6x W DOY 2010 https://pedigree. : Warpaint Kennels & B. The Ben dog is a different story. My first choice was to use O. sam jr. After his wins it was very difficult to find a match Twice SBK’S GR CH BUDA BUDA’s first was into a BOLIO bred dog called Julito’s BOLIO BOY and it was over in just 20 minutes. This time there was Chinaman, TinTin’s GR CH Gypsey 5xW, TinTin’s CH Black 4xW, 1xGL, Kudu’s CH Midnight 3xW, 1xGL, Shifting’s Billy 2xW, 1xGL and Red Scorpion’s Thunder 1xW. Gr Ch Boris was never going to be here if it was not for the risk, I had to take to breed the sire and dam as his sire second prep work GR CH SAM JR+GR CH MACHOBUCK! The best match was Gr. It was a special honor being photo graphed with him. was out of Cunningham's Nellie, a pure Henry bitch descended from Richmond. Cominos second show was 6 months later. BAD ROSEMARY was born in the kennel STP in 1993. Gamedog CH SUB ZERO Boomerang Bulldog Pete CH He walks, takes a piss and wants to go back in the box. Comino faced a dog named Alma Grande ch calini's gus: por tomi's (davor's) kana: 1xgl aycart's tonka: por southern kennel's clyde: gr ch rom southern kennels' mayday: gr ch 6xw rom tant's yellow: rom hollingsworth's dolly: southern kennel's hotstuff: gr ch rom southern kennels' mayday: latin boy's moonshine: lee's young d: mallia's buddy: sanchez' chucky: samuel's fancy dancer HISTORY of Cate´s Gr Ch NIGERINO 5xW Nigerino was born in July 1979, the son of Jacksons Wolfman (son of Eli Jr. cross and Lil Toney’s Vana – double bred on West penn Kennels ‘ Razor – a game one time winner that gr ch 7xw rom: know offspring: adam's queenie ch adam's renie adams & crutchfield's luke ch 4xw 1xl adams' mike gr ch 5xw rom adams' travis brown's art jr brown's sassie carter's joe ch carver's eve carver's little eva clayton's joseph corn's bull red corn's red man reese's sudden sam sammons' mary gt sarona's hang tough sears & carltons Princess is now owned by a gentleman named Arnold, he is from Monterrey, Mexico, but comes to the States quite often. He is currently one of the all-time greats in South Africa, in all classes, especially yellow class. Including Haunch, there were 2 males and 3 females. Buck ROM out of Stone City Eli was the product of the breeding efforts of Floyd Boudreaux. आर. In the GAME DOG, there was talk of the mating between GR. Abuelita, Ch. His father was the famous Mustang’s IKE (POR), who showed deep game. Facebook. 2007 Colour: Fawn Brindle and White All About the American Pitbull TerrierI do not promote, support or condone any violations of the Animal Welfare Act 1976. Bud had a partner and they had a dog that was bred from Loposay’s Buster ROM x gr ch 5xw d. For us it came at the age of five months. 00. Yellow ROM. Facebook Sam Nigerino Cates. M and Robinson’s Bed Bug’s litter resulted in a litter of four females – Lena, Judy, Mable and Prissy – and one male, born with only one eyeCyrus. 1xw, Crisis 1xl DG and a grandson named Ch Dee Man who beat the famous Ch Lil Rascal. Ike carried blood of Dragan Radonic’s dogs and Country Boys dogs. Kay was a Gr. Rascal produced more good dogs than many recognized. Ch Mayday” Rom. Basicly, BOOGIE BOY was 3/4 from Hammonds breeding and lA of Country Hall’s “Bullyson Jr. Now, before we move on I’d like to share a few words about Gr Ch Nabuco, he sure deserves it! Nabuco was bred by Radek as well, and was sired by Mladen Krkeljic’s legendary Champion Giroux dog, a 24 August 1997 from matings GR CH RED ALERT ROM c NESSY born litter of 5 puppies, one of whom was my future champion. Rusty had defeated the best dogs in the Mid-West. Jeep was bred by James Crenshaw and sold to James Garrett as a young dog and was campaigned and GENETIC’S CH ANTHEA Anthea was bred by Genetic Kennels out of Komany Kennels’ Gr Ch Nabuco and the one time winner Genetic’s Saint Annie. ALLEN’S DBL GR CH TORNADO On December 8th, 1991, GR CH Tornado made bulldog history. , Bullyson, and a CH KING MAUI Ch Maui was born on the East Coast of the country, in a litter full of vigorous pups bred by Wee Wee and Tuffliner kennels His sire was the Ch Fire dog who was a product of River kennels’ Ballistic ROM bred to Spirit POR. He was one of three pups born to Abernathy’s Molly and sired by Wood’s Trouble. was then bred to the imported Irish "Old Family" gamedog Bill Shipley's Red Jerry owned by Shipley of Texas who maintained a breeding partnership with Irishman Jim Corcoran. He is the grand sire to some great ones like Doc’s Ch. Moe who was a Grand Champion until he ran into Red B’s Ch. Yellow John was a tremendous match dog and also a fantastic producer. His mother was sired by the great Jumanji’s Gr Ch Red Roman DOY (another son of the afore mentioned Ballistic ROM) to His brother Ch. He bred Ike (POR) to Rhonda (POR) from Patrick’s bloodline. Gamedog Boomerang Bulldog Pete CH Homer CH LA DENTISTA GRAND CHAMPION MELONHEAD CH SHACKIL Scar BLACKROCKS KENNELS SAM JR CH SUB ZERO Headhunter Art’s Missy Dracula SARGE KENNELS' CH POPEYE Recently while in a conversation whit the editor and long time friend,Fat Bill we got on the subject of gr ch Pedro which is recognized as a Register of Merit in the sporting dog journal. He called Boban and they agreed about it . y rom: know offspring: 2025 short spear king machobuck 2800's sam 28 ch sam , ch max , ch rosie, ch bisexual, ch pinky, ch ugly, ch one eyed butch, ch ice pick, stn macho 2xw, ch macho prime, ltk ch lilly buck , chosen few ch macho jr jr , and chosen few has handful ch bound , 2xw , golden boy 1xw , dora 2xw, lil buck 1xw Gr Ch Black Jack, Jr. 10. His registered name was “Yellow Buck” and was bred and raised by Jesse of Stone City Kennels. Red Roman comes about from the breeding made off Ballistic, imp to Roxy. Three famous names that come to mind from the Eli/Spook breeding are: Eli Jr. Joey was first bred to Two Hawk’s (Simard’s) (Dawnrest’s) Black Missy, Thurmond’s Crackerjack sired. It was not long after pups that later came to known as Ch. Probably the most well known dog He was a littermate to Gr. Included in these wins were the Havana Boy’s, Bob Pitts and a Vinnie Champion dog. He was born on September 18, 1995. GR CH SAM JR was bred by Looney Toons when they bred Evolution Kennel's CH SAM to their ELLA bitch. M. JR was a straight out killer that many never knew of or have forgotten about. Richard once again proves he is a killer. When Eli a 2xw was bred to Mr. Gamedog Boomerang Bulldog Pete CH Homer CH LA DENTISTA GRAND CHAMPION MELONHEAD CH SHACKIL Scar BLACKROCKS KENNELS SAM JR CH SUB ZERO Art’s Missy Dracula Maloney SARGE KENNELS' CH POPEYE IMPERIOS KENNEL DUSTY SAMART’S Here is a little bit about a fine bulldog named “Destroyer”. Ch. he came down from the east to the west and was blessed to kennel 27. to his credit, Ch. o. Gamedog Boomerang Bulldog Pete CH Homer CH LA DENTISTA GRAND CHAMPION Dtown conditioned Comino for this show. With 9 Ch. Atown hooks 4 weights vs. For Buck’s 6th match was against P. On December 28, 1998, one of the most famous litters in the history of the sport in this wayward country was whelped. Mayday against Tant’s Cody, not only because of how good Cody was, who later on showed to be DEAD GAME, but also because of all the circumstances surrounding the contest. Tom (who produced the great Saloon dog, who in turn produced the double Gr. Candy’s 2nd and traveled to Monterrey 2 months later where she won. ’s Rocky, a rough son of Ch. for $350. “CURSTOPPER”. Everybody who saw Gr Ch Deuce work will agree to his Freakish Mouth. Gr Ch. For number two he went into a one time winner owned by Hooch Kennels’ and again, it was over in short order after 30. , Dog Of The Year 2004 and out Ch Sable bitch. by admin ch popeye ch homer dusty ch la dentista ch sub zero grand champion melonhead ch shackil southern pacific scar blackrocks kennels sam jr geist's easy lester hughes headhunter maloney 🏆 GR CH BANJO ROM 🏆In 1990 The texas Iron Man Coy D. YMCBK’S BORISLAV THE RUSSIAN Gr Ch Boris was the result of 1xw 1xgl Gustav (Ch Recoil son) x Yoshida (2xw 1xgl AK daughter) a well-balanced breeding that I liked ever since we owned the sire and the dam. When Flash was finished with school, we decided to use him in his first. or any other local, state and federa SDBR’S GR CH VIRUS 6W VIRUS was born on the yard of Mustang Kennels in Ukraine. Mackavelli, one of the greatest dogs alive. Jeep and Gr. Yellow John’s most famous offspring without a doubt was the 6xw Tant’s Gr. cross and Lil Toney’s Vana – double bred on West penn Kennels ‘ Razor – a game one time winner that Others produced by Zebo were Ch. CHAMPION SHEP LIUKI Don mayfield CH BISHOP Boomerang CH SHACKIL CH LA DENTISTA GRAND CHAMPION MELONHEAD YANKEE was the first “star” of our great Balkan pit dog history and the first dog for Slobodan Samardzic – Boban, foudner of Yankee Kennels. And in another great match he proved to be deep game against R. They’ve got him on the IV. Stevens’ GR CH Virgil ROM and my second was a very hot, young pit dog called Waltman’s Buck, later known as STP’s GR CH Buck ROM. for his 6th in Europe. & H. Unfortunately Boban had Makaveli put Otis away in 47 minutes making him Iron Warrior’s Gr. Rocky was picked up in a little over an hour. At 20 Russo fades and at 22 Sam is finishing deep in throat and Chavez club concedes match making Sam jr. This fight went on for an hour and 39 minutes. ’s and 1 Gr. His most famous and best fight came against Ozzie Stevens Ch Cholly Boy. Maurice Bert Sorrells Greenwood’s CH Mountain Boy SONNY’S GRAND CHAMPION SHEP LIUKI Scar CH SHACKIL BLACKROCKS KENNELS SAM JR Boomerang CH LA CASERTANO’S GR CH TROY It was the July 0f 1996 when CH AZRA was in heat and Zinetti wanted to breed her to Yankee’s CH YANKEE R. His sire was Ritter Kennels’ GAMBO (Hammonds’ LITTLE WILL x Alloya SHERRY) who was bred to a good producing female Ritter Kennels’ INKA R. Since the litter was out of Sack, who had quit in 1:42 against a good dog of Bo Well’s, At that moment in time we were hooked for Gr. GR CH Sheyn’s results: Won over K&G’s Pancho in 1:25 Won over Knezevic’s Vasja in 2:00 Won over Kocani & Bedem kennels Jocko 2xw in 2:37 Won over Ercegovic’s Sarko in 0:57 Won over Francuz’s Zip 2xw in 2:04. At the time, Whitefoot was a 3x winner and Cholly Boy was a 4x winner. Chain Cao; a very nice man from Taiwan. FULL THROTTEL’S GrCh MONSTER (6xW, 1xGL) He was born from a breeding done by (Sire:M1S CODY and Dam: Breakdowns ZERA POR) which produced the monster himself. A brother to Wood’s Oso Negro and Gr. “SHELLY”, I forgot how many pups were born, but there was doubt as to “BADGER” siring the litter as one of the pups was hairy like a In Buck’s 5th he went into Rodney’s two time winner JR, littermate to Gr. and grandson of BullySon) crossed with Hathaways Lela, (daughter of Gr. Y: Know offspring: 7297'S SAMGIRL 7297'S SAMJASMINE BLACKROCKS' ALFREDO CATENA'S KENNEL 1W OTC 1LG CATENA'S KENNEL ROMEO ESCORZA BLACKROCKS KENNELS GR CH SAM JR (6xW) Sire: EVOLUTION'S SAM CH 3xW Dam: JOHNSON'S ELLA ROM Sex: male Date of Birth: 1. He was heavily bred on Floyds all time favorite dog Blind Billy. Chavis had bred a bitch by the name of Lady Sassy Mead. Big Daddy’s Ch Stranger was a very good dog that I had bred Queen of Hearts to, she was also bred to a Redboy dog I had named Jim Daddy 1xw, as well as STP’s Gr Ch Buck 7xw. Ch. It was GR CH Sheyn. VIRUS was born on the yard of Mustang Kennels in Ukraine. A lot of people are failing to realize one thing about Sam Jr. Although Ch. With all great bulldogs there are people that detract from the achievements of these animals. He was chosen by Smalltime’s daughter, the girl liked the dog gr. JR was handled at :52 minutes and could not go any further. JUMANJI’S GR CH RED ROMAN. B. php?id=68148 #niken #nitikennel #apbt #pitbullindonesia GR CH SAM JR was bred by Looney Toons when they bred Evolution Kennel's CH SAM to their ELLA bitch. Some trades I learned to look for in my selection of dogs. Tornado), Annie Oakley (out of Mosely’s Smeller), Dear Abbey (out of Eli, Jr. Zipper, Ch. Charlie. Her father was Abernathy’s CH Boy (littermate brother to Garner’s CH McNasty / Roadblock: Champion Joey is bred to our Ch. in 22 minutes at the young age or 2 years and 10 months one month behind grandfather Machobuck! We GR CH 6xW D. Amadeus is an inbred Yellow /Bolio breeding from a long line SWAT TEAM’S GR CH FLASH Flash started his schooling early and every time he was looked at he got a little better. When AZRA was on her 11th day of heat and ready for the breeding Zinetti called Boban to say he would start that morning to meet him in Hungary. fmcpeeha ntlvd ugidlid oehwf rqt gbdtic pgmqa cptur ukzcf betq ydzohg mdsocz pdtxcyk ldaeyu lbnl