Jackson county circuit clerk Court records are available on line as of May 15th 2019 thru Court Connect www. and/or. Web Mapping. paygov. City Mayor. Bost, Judge Michael A. Hours. Contact the Circuit Clerk. 816-881-3000 1001 Walnut Street; P. Byrd. School Board Districts 1,4,6. If you cannot find your spouse to have them served, you will have to publish notice in the newspaper. co. Phone: 228-769-3040 MON – FRI | 8:00AM-4:00PM 1001 Walnut Street P. Beginning her career in the position of XXXXXXXX, she rapidly raised through the ranks, eventually being appointed to the position of XXXXXXXXXX. 415 E 12th Street Kansas City, MO 64106. 35% fee will apply to all credit card transactions over $85. arcourts. 1001 Walnut Street. Meeting Phone: 1 (312) 626-6799 Here in Jackson County, as a veteran and candidate for Circuit Clerk, I, Chris Maynor, am proud to exemplify the true meaning of public service. Most residents live in one of the 11 incorporated cities found in the temperate Check out more details about the Circuit Clerk on this page. Drawer 730 Murphysboro, IL 62966 The Jackson County Election Board oversees elections in Jackson County, Missouri, outside of Kansas City, and is responsible for setting election dates, establishing polling places, and certifying election results. A VIP may also be completed online. us. 16th Circuit Court of Jackson County Missouri 415 E 12th Street Kansas City, Mo 64106 COURTS, JUDICIAL & JURY 12th District Court, 4th Circuit Court, jury duty information $37 for filing fee paid to the Circuit Clerk; Confirmation of finalization of any recent divorce; Contact Us. County Clerk. Please review all fields before submitting. Recorder's Office MON – FRI | 8:00AM-4:00PM 1001 Walnut Street P. Aging & Senior Care; Appellate Docket; Approved Statewide Circuit Forms; Electronic Case Transfer Standards for Illinois Circuit Courts. My commitment to serve both our nation and our local community reflects the dedication that veterans bring to elective office, whether concurrent with or following military service. 00 handling fee assessed to credit card transactions totaling $50. this including taking fine payments that can be made on line www. Link: Circuit Clerk Page. The Circuit Clerk is Jackson County's Registrar. Jackson County Directory; Quick Links. Legally Required Postings. Monday through Friday 8 am to 4 pm. Quick Links. Certification of Record Doc0023 Download. State of Mississippi Portal /QuickLinks. Free web access to land records is now available. 00 and under and a 4% fee charged for all transactions of $50. Travelstead. 304-373-2250; Home; Records; Elections; Fiduciary; Payroll; Contact; Home; Records; JACKSON COUNTY CIRCUIT CLERK. All court fines are to be mailed to or delivered in person to the Jackson County Circuit Clerk, Jackson County Courthouse, Murphysboro, Illinois, which may be contacted at 618-687-7300. Learn about court procedures, payment options, and helpful forms for your case. City of Ocean Springs. Who Are My County Legislators? Clerk of the County Legislature; County Legislative Auditor; Legislative Agendas & Helpful information about the probate division of the Jackson County Circuit Clerk located in Jackson County, IL. Find the meeting ID and password for each judge and click on the link to join the video court. Murphysboro, IL 62966 (618) 687-7300. Pay-By-Mail Probate Department Contacts Director Melissa Scherer 415 E. Learn about video court, e-filing, email notices and text notifications. Kansas Clerk of the County Legislature 415 East 12th Street, Kansas, MO. Tentative. Richard W. The Circuit Clerk is an officer within the JACKSON COUNTY CIRCUIT CLERK. net P. org: Jackson County Courthouse. – A 2. Located in Marianna, Florida, the Clerk's office serves as the official record keeper for all civil lawsuits, traffic tickets, and criminal cases within the county. Road Superintendent. If you have a technical question or problem with the site, then our webmaster will reply to your email. payable in advance at the Circuit Clerk's office. Jackson County Circuit Court is closed on all Federal and State holidays by order of the Chief Judge of the First The Probate Department accepts payment in the form of cash (exact change is required), checks made payable to The Circuit Court of Jackson County, Missouri, and credit card payments. Schafer - Jackson County Docket Meeting ID: 424 370 1756. Preview Ballots - 2025. 687. Box 84 McKee, KY 40447 Get Directions. Jackson, TN 38301 Phone: 731-988-3960 Courthouse Department Hours. The County Clerk is elected on a partisan basis every four (4) years. Issue Marriage Licenses Process New Case Filings. Circuit Court. org. P. us/ _____ Vital records such as birth certificates, death certificates, and marriage certificates can be obtained through the office of the Jackson County Clerk. State of Mississippi Portal Jackson County Circuit Clerk (Office): The Clerk of the Circuit Court is elected in each county to carry out administrative functions and to act as record-keeper for circuit court actions in that county. net The Jackson County Clerk of the Circuit Court, led by Christalyn M. If the main number (shown above) is Jackson County’s Clerk of Courts has three major responsibilities: Clerk of the Circuit and County Courts; County Recorder; and Clerk, Accountant, and Auditor to the Board of County Commissioners. Site Links. net Jackson County Judicial Center 100 First St. Skip to content. Call the County Clerk at 618-687 The Circuit Clerk provides a wide variety of services to the Circuit and County Courts, as well as, to the public including voter registration, election information, jury duty, and marriage licenses. 1001 Walnut Street, 2nd Floor. First Name. Jackson County Courthouse | 102 East Laurel Street | Scottsboro, AL 35768 Phone: (256) 574-9320 | Hours: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm, M-F Need Directions? The first clerk of Jackson County took office in 1833 upon organization of the county. The Office of the Clerk is a complex organization that performs a wide range of record keeping, information management and financial management for the judicial system and county government. Christian M. Jackson County, the 6th most populous county in Oregon, is home to more than 200,000 residents. Court Disability Coordinator Patti Clark pec@jacksonco. Phone: (618) 687-7300. County Commissioners Districts 1-6 (Vote for 3) County Trustee. At-Large Circuit Judge. Box 5616 Montgomery, AL 36103-5616; Phone: (334) 242-7200; Fax: (334) 242-4993 1001 Walnut Street; P. net; E-filing Kiosk; Electronic Device Policy View Policy; Food (Vending/Other) Jackson County has several vending machines in Please note: The Clerk of the County Legislature or “County Clerk’s” office is not affiliated with the Jackson County Circuit Court - 16th Judicial Circuit of Missouri, and therefore cannot respond to inquiries regarding the court system, court dates, court decisions, etc. Federal and State General. Public input is important to include as a part of the mitigation plan. 12 th Street Kansas City, MO 64106 COVID-19 Order Regarding Emergency Temporary Measures. 00. Criminal Cases - Felonies; Civil claims over $25,000; Domestic Relations (Divorce, Paternity, Custody, Support) Office of the Circuit Clerk. Murphysboro Jackson County Directory; Quick Links. 7342. Hale Home; Case Info; Court Fees; Court Rules; Contact Us; Resources. The Circuit Clerk provides a wide variety of services to the Circuit and County Courts, as well as, to the public including voter registration, election information, jury duty, and marriage licenses. Preview Ballot 2025; Voting & Elections. Phone: 618-687-7300 Fax: 618-684-6378 webforms@jacksonco. County Mayor. net The Circuit Clerk serves as the courts “official record keeper” and business manager on all court proceedings held in the District and Circuit Courts. Court Fees. Circuit Clerk 38 th Judicial Circuit Jackson County Courthouse. Archived Directions Physical Address: View Map 3104 Magnolia Street Pascagoula, MS 39567-4127. Staff. il. net All first appearances, pay or appear court dates, bench trials, or jury trials will occur at the Jackson County Courthouse. 1001 Walnut Street, Murphysboro, IL 62966. net Frank Lloyd Byrd, Jackson County Clerk and Recorder 1001 Walnut Street Murphysboro, IL 62966. This form has been modified since it was saved. Probation. If the option for an online class is chosen, it is important to verify that the program is approved for Jackson County, Illinois. City Alderman . 7300 Jackson County Circuit Clerk (Office): The Clerk of the Circuit Court is elected in each county to carry out administrative functions and to act as record-keeper for circuit court actions in that county. Drawer 730; Murphysboro, IL 62966; Phone: 618-687-7300; Fax: 618-684-6378; webforms@jacksonco. net 1001 Walnut Street; P. 00 convenience fee will apply to all credit card transactions under $85. Minutes & Agendas. Employment Jackson County’s Circuit Court Clerk, Doris Ward, has been serving the residents and visitors of Jackson County for “XX” years. Sign in to Save Progress. Email - Clayton O. Pay Taxes. 8:00 am - 4:00 pm: Building Department, Chancery Court, County Mayor, Human Resources, Property Code Enforcement Jackson County. Aging & Senior Care; Appellate Docket; Approved Statewide Circuit Forms; Community Links; E-File Illinois; CIRCUIT CLERK. Access the official website of the Circuit Clerk for online payments, records, elections and more. Jackson County 1001 Walnut Street Murphysboro, Illinois 62966 Phone: 618-687-7240 Find contact information and office locations of the judges, clerks, reporters, and attorneys of the Jackson County Circuit Court. - – A $2. Additional information is available by telephone. The Jackson County Clerk’s Office is the official repository of all records created within Jackson County. Poynter (812) 358-6133. Box 388 Murphysboro, IL 62966 Phone: 618. City of Gautier. The office of the clerk is authorized by Article 8, Section 9 of the West Virginia Constitution. County Circuit Clerk Payments JUDICI County Courthouse (Circuit Clerk's Office) By Mail (request an application be mailed to you by the Circuit Clerk's Office) Application must be delivered to your Registrar or postmarked (if mailed) at least 30 days prior to the election. Mailing Address: P. More information is available by telephone: County Clerk's Office Phone: 618-687-7360; Circuit Clerk's Office Phone: 618-687-7300; Election Results. Bost Clerk of the Circuit Court. Learn about the services and responsibilities of the Circuit Clerk in Jackson County, MS, such as voter registration, jury duty, and marriage licenses. Attorney: This option allows for Attorneys of Record to see their cases. Circuit Clerk. net Please make checks payable to: Jackson County Clerk – We do not accept checks for marriage license applications. Having the Jackson County Sheriff serve your spouse with the divorce papers: additional costs plus mileage. Learn how to access case information, court fees, probation, public defender, rules of the court, and more. The court is located at 1001 Walnut Street, Murphysboro, IL Find out how to address your traffic or city citation online or virtually in Jackson County, Illinois. Bloodworth, III, Judge Steven M. 415 E 12th Street Kansas City, 1001 Walnut Street; P. Responsibilities. Elections & Voting. Jett since 2008, is a vital part of the county's judicial system. Clerk of the Circuit & County Courts. A user id and password is required. Jackson County General. net For a schedule of panel dates, call the Jackson County Circuit Clerk at 618-687-7300 or speak with your Probation Officer. Please see bottom of this page to read the Orders Mission Statement: The mission of the Clerk of Court's Office is to coordinate the operation of the Jackson County Circuit Court, including the financial portion of that system. Keeps a general court docket in which all names and parties in each case, plea, indictment, records from Jackson County Courthouse 1001 Walnut Street P. Jackson County Court House. Pet Adoptions. Piper J. County 1001 Walnut Street; P. Contact Us. The County Clerk is Clerk of the Circuit Court and has the care and custody of the county seal, all records, books and papers pertaining to the office. City of Moss Point. Office of Circuit Court Clerk. Illinois Probate Clerk. Office of the Circuit Clerk Operational Hours are: Monday, Wednesday Thursday, and Friday 8 am to 4 pm; Tuesday 8 am to 4 pm; Circuit of the Courts Operational Hours are: Monday through Friday 8 am to 4 pm. Dawn Sherwood Judicial Secretary County Courts; Circuit-Family-Probate; Circuit Court; Judges; Honorable Richard LaFlamme; Honorable Richard N. Holiday Observance. Circuit Clerk Barbara Metzger Hackney 208 Main St Newport, AR 72112 (870) 523-7423 (870) 523-3682. Inmates. Process Bond Money Process Child Support Payments Process Payments on Judgments and Small Claims Jackson County Clerk. The Circuit Clerk is an officer within the In cooperation with the Illinois State Treasurer, citizens can now make electronic payments for selected Jackson County services from the offices listed below. The County Clerk’s office houses the County Court Records, Annexations, Articles of Incorporation, Levy of taxes, Board appointments, bonds, improvement districts, right of way acquisition, contracts, and agreements signed by the Office of the Jackson County Circuit Clerk, Deputy Circuit Clerk (2006 - 2019) Gatehouse Media, Reporter/Columnist (2006 - 2019) Degrees. Drawer 730 Murphysboro, IL 62966 Telephone: (618) 687-7300 Fax: (618) 684-6378. Circuit Court handles civil actions, misdemeanors, bastardy, felonies, and equity appeals from County Court. net The Jackson County Clerk's Office services the public and will do so to the best of its ability in a professional, courteous and efficient manner. City of Pascagoula. Circuit Court Clerk: Doris Kay Ward. Kindly direct Court related questions to the 16th Judicial Circuit of Missouri at 16thcircuit. Return to Staff Directory. Title: Circuit Clerk Contact the Circuit Clerk. Thank you for visiting the 16th Circuit Court website. Where to Vote In Person. Instructions Related to Efiling Documents. Kansas Clerk of the County Legislature - Independence Location 16th Circuit Court of Jackson County Missouri 415 E 12th Street Kansas City, Mo 64106 The Jackson County Clerk & Recorder's Office . 7330 Fax: 618. Box 998 Pascagoula, MS 39568-0998. Contact Us 16th Circuit Court; County Municipal Court - Division 301; County Legislature Sub-menu. They manage jurors, maintain case evidence Jackson County is in the process of updating the Jackson County Multi-jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation plan. Kevin D Harrell, Presiding Judge Division 18 Jackson County Circuit Court 415 E. 16th Circuit Court of Jackson County Missouri 415 E 12th Street Kansas City, Missouri 64106 816-881-3934. Shoemaker (812) 358-6118 109 S Sugar St SUITE 130 Brownstown, IN 47220 email Jackson County - 38th Judicial Circuit of Alabama. Rooks, III welcomes you to the official website for the Clerk of the Circuit Court/Comptroller for Jackson County. Office of the County Clerk. Absentee Ballot Application. Find information about the Jackson County Circuit Clerk, Mr. Employment Circuit Clerk. Presiding Judge. net Additional Forms Related to Divorce, Family, Child Support, Custody and Maintenance 1001 Walnut Street; P. Clerk of the County Legislature: Downtown Courthouse: 816-881-3242 : coclerk@jacksongov. All Jackson County Judges - All Dockets (updated 9-18-2020) Jackson County Judges: Judge Christy Solverson, Judge Ralph R. Records. net Welcome to the official website of the Jackson County Clerk’s Office (Jackson County, WV). There is a $2. Christian Hale, and his duties and services. Christina Gossett Jackson County Clerk. How to 1001 Walnut Street; P. Tuesday, November 3, 2026 . 1001 Walnut Street; P. The Clerk of the Circuit Court is the ex Find information about the Circuit Clerk and other courts in Jackson County, IL. Jobs. Access Zoom video court for different types of cases in Jackson County, Illinois. Fiello, Judge Ella L. Case and locator numbers must be provided; request those from the Office of Maintains records for the Judicial District Circuit, Chancery, Civil and Juvenile Court for Jackson Co. Sheriff. Bachelor's, Southern Illinois University, Editorial Journalism (2002) Bachelor's, Southern Illinois University, Editorial Journalism (2002) The County Clerk is responsible for notary public applicants in Jackson County, Missouri. Jackson County Courthouse. County Board. Murphysboro, IL 62966. Find case information, court fees, rules, contact details and online forms for Jackson County (IL) Circuit Clerk. 16th Circuit Court; County Municipal Court - Division 301; County Legislature Sub-menu. . Hale 1001 Walnut Street P. 12th Street, 9th Floor Kansas City, MO 64106 Phone: 816-881-3755 Fax: 816-881-3228 Administrative Assistant 1001 Walnut Street; P. net. Courts. If your spouse lives outside of Jackson County, the fee may be different. Jackson County Courthouse | 102 East Laurel Street | Scottsboro, AL 35768 Phone: (256) 574-9320 | Hours: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm, M-F Need Directions? Jackson County Clerk and Recorder 1001 Walnut Murphysboro, IL 62966-2194. aspx. Physical Address 3104 Magnolia Street Jackson County Directory; Quick Links. net 16th Circuit Court of Jackson County Missouri 415 E 12th Street Kansas City, Mo 64106 The following civil cases are filed in the clerk's office at the courthouse and divided between the Circuit Court and the Superior Court I: - Civil Tort - Miscellaneous Civil - Mortgage Foreclosure Jackson County Circuit Court 109 S Sugar Street Brownstown, IN 47220 . Clerk has the responsibility to serve as the Absentee Election Manager on county, state and federal elections for Jackson County. Check out more details about the Court Fees on this page. IMPORTANT DATES 16th Circuit Court of Jackson County Missouri 415 E 12th Street Kansas City, Mo 64106 Jackson County Circuit Clerk Website; Jackson County Directory; Jackson County Website; Online Records; Probation; Self Represented Litigant Resources; Resources. net Your ceremony must be held in Jackson County to apply for a marriage license. 12 th Street, Suite 303 Kansas City, MO 64106. O. Clerk of the Circuit Court Christian M. Steven M. gov Recorder of all deeds, mortgages, conveyances of lands and building lying within the County. Monday - Friday: 7:30 am - 5:00 pm: County Clerk. Find contact information, office hours, and location of the Circuit Clerk's office. LaFlamme 100 E Main St. J. 16th Circuit Court of Jackson County Missouri 415 E 12th Street Kansas City, Mo 64106 Welcome to the Jackson County Circuit Court. Judge Michelle M. Jackson County 1001 Walnut Street Murphysboro, Illinois 62966 Phone: 618-687-7240. jackson. Circuit Court Clerk's Office Responsibilities. IMPORTANT DATES Public: This option allows for anonymous access to court records. Circuit Court Clerk. Recording of Documents. https://circuitclerk. Jackson County - 38th Judicial Circuit of Alabama. Checks or money orders should be made payable to Jackson County Clerk and Recorder. Records filed and maintained in the 4th Circuit Court Clerk's Office. net 16th Circuit Court; County Municipal Court - Division 301 Division 301; County Legislature Sub-menu. Box 730 Murphysboro, IL 62966 Phone: 618. Register of Deeds. Elections Department Phone: 618-687-7366 Email Frank L. Name Title Email Phone Additional Phone Hale, Christian Circuit Court Clerk Jackson County 1001 Walnut Street Murphysboro, Illinois 62966 Phone: 618-687-7240. 01 and above. Last Jackson County Circuit Court 415 E. Drawer 730 Murphysboro, IL 62966 Jackson County General. net ALL filings must be made directly with the Jackson County Clerk's Office, not the Judge's Clerk or Secretary unless other arrangements have been made. Hale Office Location Jackson County Courthouse 1001 Walnut Street P. kojm kkxl ldcwft plfgua jwoes apinmsd zjs qedwz vnawytt vxtt dvbivg unzlkx mqzts ptof vuscxj